D A Saikin, T Baca, M Gurtner and M Saska. Wildfire Fighting by Unmanned Aerial System Exploiting Its Time-Varying Mass. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5(2):2674-2681, 2020. PDF, DOI BibTeX
author = "Saikin, D. A. and Baca, T. and Gurtner, M. and Saska, M.",
doi = "10.1109/LRA.2020.2972827",
journal = "IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters",
number = 2,
pages = "2674-2681",
title = "{Wildfire Fighting by Unmanned Aerial System Exploiting Its Time-Varying Mass}",
type = "article",
volume = 5,
year = 2020,
pdf = "data/papers/saikin_diego.pdf"