Localization of sources of ionizing radiation using a group of small unmanned aircrafts with Compton camera detectors (RaDron)

TAČR Program: FW – TREND
Podprogram: "Technologičtí lídři"


This project aims at developing a miniature device for fast localization of a static or moving gamma radiation source and integrating it into a miniature autonomous aircraft (drone).  Later, the detector will  be adapted to a handheld radiation imager and as a mobile phone accessory. The miniature detector will utilize a Compton camera using the Timepix3 chips with Si and CdTe sensors. An artificial intelligence software will control the drone to find the source in challenging scenarios, e.g., without GPS signal coverage. The system will also utilize multiple cooperating drones for finding the radiation source faster. Considered scenarios include monitoring of nuclear deposits as well as hazardous events such as nuclear accidents or radiation risk monitoring for the integrated rescue system.


Localization of a Cs137 radiation source using a single-sensor Compton camera.


  • Initial testing with a single miniature drone equipped with one Timepix detector. A map of radiation intensity is created in real time by the onboard computer.
  • A simulation showing two cooperating drones exploring an indoor area while creating a map of radiation intensity provided by the onboard Timepix sensors.
  • An example of a drone autonomously navigating through an area with high obstacle density  in a GPS-denied environment (forest).





Grant provider Techologická agentura České republiky
Programme FW - TREND, Podprogram 1 "Technologičtí lídři"
Project ID FW0101317
Link to CEP https://www.rvvi.cz/cep?s=jednoduche-vyhledavani&ss=detail&n=0&h=FW01010317
Duration 01/2020 - 12/2022
Principal investigator Advacam s.r.o.
Partners Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech metrology institute
Related website https://projects.advacam.com/projects/radron/index.html


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